August, even though it's a month that is past the linear mid-way point, is an important marker within our year. A time when the energy shifts. Away from the pure languidness of summer days and into a heightened sense of creativity. A call to rise into one's next unfolding and evolution. And therefore a beautiful moment and month to look back to see what has unfolded in this year. Acknowledge, celebrate, grieve, and everything in between so that we can let go. In order to look forward and create. So that we can live intentionally. Create intentionally. I speak not of 'will', of the ego, of the 'want, want, want' that has the power to create so much frustration and pain in our lives, but the deeper more potent voice. The one of desire. The one that co-creates with the universe. The true-er voice that can be heard in the stillness. The voice that if not listened to can can feel like a thunderous roar, a pull that is so insistent that it won't let you go. Last week as the frequencies of creativity had their way with me, ideas poured in. Of what wanted to be created, of what desired to be put into form. And then on the week-end, I felt the power rising. A power that claimed space. A power that said: THIS WAY!! It's been long enough. It's been enough! This is what I desire! It poured through me like a river. Clear, concise, a sword that cut. A force undeniable in its clarity and creational will. Even though my human is still unclear of her next steps, I know that the creational map for the rest of the year has been set in motion. I simply have to walk the path that has now been laid out for me. I have spent some days looking at my day planner, my journal, my notes. Acknowledging what I have lived. Celebrating and grieving and the full spectrum in between. I know that the last 7 months have invited a deeper intimacy into me. With a concurrent deepening of my work. Even though the work has expanded once again exponentially into the cosmic I AM, my gaze has been into the depths of this earthly experience and body. Not transcendence, but immanence. I have written down words of what I desire to create before the end of the year. What is an imprint in reality that is non-negotiable. And the continued unfolding that I can allow with ease. Walking in that holy space of command and surrender. To the forces that Be that I am very much part of. Human, infinite, co-creatrix of this universal fractal. A living, breathing expression of life and of love. And you beautiful? What is it that you desire to create and experience and most importantly be before the end of the year? And more importantly, how will you becomethat version of you? One and three month journeys are available to take you to the next evolution of self. Beyond suffering and struggle and into ease and joy and honestly, often pure bliss.
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