Taking a moment to gather the energies and experiences of 2020... When covid-19 announced its presence in the world and we were asked to shelter at home, the outside world slowed down as we each returned to the sanctuary of our four walls. But simultaneously for so many of us who have been working in consciousness, a 'quickening' occurred. We knew that this was the time that we were meant to step up, to shine that light and say: this way, here is a path you can walk, this is where we are going. And we did. Each in our unique way, with our unique gifts held that light so that we could find our way into the new that is beckoning. As the intensity of the covid-19 experience waned, the anti-racism protests erupted. A tidal wave of heat was channeled through as a people said 'ENOUGH'!!! You could feel the energetic purge as the movement battered against institutions that uphold ways of being that do not stand for truth and love and unity and the principle of one human race. Just this last week-end we entered into the crucible of the summer solstice-solar eclipse- new moon. And I could feel the energy shift yet again. It was as if old festering pain within the collective was lanced with laser like precision through an in-pouring of cosmic love and life that nothing could withstand. An old reality crumbled and hope poured through like the breaking of a new dawn. I can feel so much newness swirling all around me, paths of creativity and possibility opening with dizzying speed. The image of a child in an ice-cream shop having difficulty choosing her flavor comes to mind, smiles. I know we are not even close to being 'done'. I know that so much more needs to change before we are living in a world that celebrates each living sentient being as an emanation of the God-spark within. And I know that we will continue to rise to the occasion, each time finding pathways to each other's hearts until there will be only one rythm that beats through all of us. LOVE.
If you have been following me for a while, you know that I am someone who likes to take the time to allow an unfolding within myself before I give language to energy as language delineates, structures and gives meaning and should be used carefully. (no random shouting in this space, smiles) Which is why I haven't written about this earlier. And... here I am. In the US we have been and are going through yet another intensity with the focal lens being police brutality against black people, within the larger framework of ongoing discrimination against African Americans in the US. This touches close to home for many reasons. I live in Atlanta that has a large African American community, I live in a black neighborhood and most of the people in my 3-d world have skins that are more melanated than mine. And I've experienced my fair share of racism, especially after 9/11 when it would sometimes feel intolerable to be living in Amsterdam because of the way that I was being treated due to the color of my skin. It was one of the reasons that I left. When I first read George Floyd's last words, it brought me to my knees (literally) as I sobbed my heart out. I believe that that was the only sane response that I could have had. And I believe that there is a higher intelligence at work. Always. That brutality, those words, at this time, filmed for the whole world to see were meant to pierce our hearts. Into an opening into ENOUGH!!!, into UNITY, into WE STAND FOR LOVE AND ONE RACE. WE STAND FOR BLACK LIVES MATTER. Whatever apathy and numbness stopped us from seeing the insanity was shattered in that moment. There are so many layers of this conversation. Each important in its own right. And if we step back we can start to see the divine orchestration at play. I believe that all of the work that so many of us have done in the last years, decades, allowed and is allowing a consciousness shift where we can no longer treat each other with anything less than mutual respect and acknowledgment of each other's humanity and divinity. I believe that all of the work that we have done in consciousness to create a more beautiful world is creating this intensity of chaos as old paradigms shatter and we step into the birthing space of the new. Messy, painful, intense, challenging. Birth. And I believe that there are other forces at play. The forces that allowed our ancestors to predict these times. The astrological forces that create a perfect alignment in the heavens so that the collective shadow can no longer be hidden. And the earth. As we stand on the precipice of the 6th mass extinction (Bruce Lipton talks about this) why would we think that the earth, a majestic sentient being in her own right, would not require us to change. Into a way of being that acknowledges, uplifts and celebrates ALL of LIFE. Why would we think that the sentiency and consciousness of LIFE itself would not put forces into play that necessitate a fundamental shift in consciousness for us to continue to live and thrive on this planet. We are co-creating with LIFE and DEATH itself to ensure the ascendancy of this planet and every living creature upon it. It is messy and hard and difficult at times. And I know that we choose this, that we were born for this, that we are unfolding into our divinity so we can co-create a future that will take our breath away. We are going to do the miraculous. |