Skydiving has been calling for years. The desire to free fall into space to affirm life. As the plane flew up to kiss the clouds and beyond, I sat next to the open door, looking out onto the cotton candy shapes and the never ending expanse of breathtaking blue. I could feel how alive and sentient everything was. This was not 'dead' space but pure delighted consciousness desiring to commune and co-create. And when I was free-falling through space, rocketing to the ground in the embrace of gravity? My arms were held by gossamer strings of love, each spun by an angel that exulted in my celebration of this human life. I was, I am safe in the arms of my eternal self. Loved. Held. Supported. After a night of deep rest, I woke the next day in a space of stillness. Peace. I felt utterly surrendered within my own self. I realized that the act of jumping into space had transformed places inside of me where I had as yet to surrender. Places that had been holding tight to story and identity, to a lack of fluidity in understanding this human-cosmic dance. Places that were in a holding pattern of one kind or another, not endlessly morphing into their next becoming, surrendering into their next versions of themselves. As I lay there, reveling in the feel of this still sacred spaciousness within, there was a new tactile awareness in the molecules around me allowing for an exquisite experience of the soft embrace of the mattress against the velvet of my skin. And, I could feel the deep and utter fatigue that was arising. As I let go, the holding patterns that had sunk into my very bones dissolved, rising to the surface to be gently washed away. It was a new day. I was, I am, more of myself. I continue to find my feet in this new space. The ripples of that day are still unfolding and integrating, and I can simultaneously feel new possibilities arising in my future as a result of my choice to jump into the sky. I altered the fabric of my reality and the wave is never-ending. xo
Hey Beautiful... I recently completed my first group offering of the year and as I walked around dazed and in a bliss bubble whilst the energy swirled and twirled around and within me, I felt a desire to allow my words to flow. I'm often asked what it is that I do. What I usually say is: I see a person, the Infinite Majestic Being and the vulnerable human being and create an alignment and connection between the Being and the human being so that that person can know her/himself as more than just a human being with problems, with a few interspersed moments of joy and grace thrown in to make things bearable. The connection and alignment between Being and human being allows for a space to open within a person where they can access the God spark within and it is from this space that all else flows and all is possible. Beauty. Power. Grace. What is key in my body of work is the being-body connection. I work with highest frequencies of the being and beyond (most definitely beyond! smiles) and simultaneously also with the deepest frequencies of the body. My recent exploration of the energy in bone has added so many dimensions to that and I'm so in awe of what is transpiring. Back to the recent group offering. Group work is the most potent form of co-creation that I know and the utter joy that I felt as we journeyed together is hard to describe. In order to better answer the question: 'What is it that you do?', I share with you a tiny snapshot of what transpired: "As the session started we stood not in a circle but in a particular geometric configuration. As the energy started to move, we each 'shot out' into different directions (much like Superman/Wonder Woman, smiles) to source what is ours to source, to bring yet another flow of information through that hasn't been accessible to this planet yet. Some went far out into the cosmos, others descended deep into the earth to bring forth the gifts held deep in the body matrix/earth mother. Some did both simultaneously, collapsing the source points of inner and outer so that a new understanding could be born for those that were/are ready. As we expanded beyond our known parameters, to the very edges of what was possible for each one of us in the moment, into the gorgeousness of the infinite self, there was a profound invitation to let go of story, attachment, identity. That which does not serve you, that which you perceive yourself to be which is limiting, constraining, can be let go of as easily as a pair of jeans that no longer fit. Who do you desire to be? What do you desire to create? How do you perceive the world in its glory? There was an alignment that was invited into with our essential selves, that part of us that morphs endlessly in its different becomings, yet is timeless and eternal in its knowing. What a paradox, yes? We work in that space of nothing and everything, creating effortlessly. Various blueprints being woven like magic out of thin air, integrating into our bodies and our lives. What does being human mean to you? What do you want it to mean? Descending down a glittering spiraling ladder of DNA, hearing our unique songs and creating with that through our bodies that feel like the whole universe in its becoming. Bliss beckons. Delicious orgasmic humming that reverberates inwards and outwards, a trillion cells in motion, awakening, creating a different possibility. How much can you morph? How much can you unravel, allow, become? Pure ecstasy in motion. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry as endless waves of ecstasy drench me, filling me up in a way that I have been yearning for. This. Is. Life." On that note I leave you. Content, utterly in love with life. Thank-you for being witness and allowing these words into your world. With love and deep appreciation, Tanya |