Reinventing Self A journey to the heart of you We are entering the second month and you are invited!
At the end of last year I was told that I was sick. The kind of 'you are dying sick'. I had to first make a choice of whether or not I wanted a new or 'next' chapter in my life and once that choice was made- it was a YES!, though it took me a moment to come to that as I felt such completion in my life- I had to find the pathways to heal and heal fast as I didn't really have the luxury of time.
My work this last decade has been about transformation of self within the context of the awakening journey so I expanded the field and intentionalised finding pathways that would include the physical body in quantum space. New capacities of the cosmic humm and the black hole allowed me to infuse pure consciousness into my physical body template in a way that allowed me to heal everything from heart disease to liver damage, kidney problems to beginning stages of M.S. (amongst a host of many other serious symptoms). I introduced my body to the consciousness of infinity (the cosmic humm) and the transcendence of death (the black hole) and it responded. (Another word for pure consciousness is enlightenment but I don't like that word as it has too many heavy connotations attached to it) This body of work has wanted to go out into the world and I have chosen to honor its call.
It is unlike anything that I have offered before in many ways.
There have been three aspects of our work together in the first month of Reinventing Self.
- An energy, space and consciousness is being created that allows you to experience the Self that you are. The I Am presence that we all thirst for, knowingly or unknowingly. An urge that we all have to know ourselves that is often externalized believing that the next need that we fulfill through external sources will fill that inner void when all that we have been searching for is our selves. In the process we are letting go of so very much that we are not. As one of the participants in Reinventing Self said: "Feels like anything remaining that is dark or not resolved is up for healing." We start to know ourselves more deeply, more authentically and can create from there, allowing the intrinsic beauty of who we are to flow through.
-We are creating our future. Opening up to possibilities and probabilities, to timelines and experiences that we had not imagined thus far. This is reality creation in its purest form. This is what one of the participants of Reinventing Self wrote: "Last week’s reinventing self session was so incredibly powerful. It was simultaneously the most vast and potent, yet supremely masterful and gentle work I’ve ever experienced. When the work was occurring I could feel that it was disentangling me from so much that was keeping parts of myself stuck and ensnared in old collectives and realities/ patterns that weren’t allowing me to unleash into the more expanded free and infinite expression of my truest self, and as this was occurring I could feel all of these parts of myself traveling to and finding a new home and settling in a greater much more resonant expanded collective way out there that felt much more resonant with who I am. The next day. Not only did I feel that I had grown and expanded an insane amount, but all of these creational manifestations started occurring rapidly and powerfully. Things in alignment with my musical body of work and my new record going out and finding its right place in the world, started to unfold effortlessly, and just come to me. A friend who works for a management company that manages herbie Hancock and Bonnie raitt and all kinds of big acts texted me to say that she loved my record so much and wanted to know if she could share it with people to help me find a label. I shared the record with one of my all time musical idols via Instagram, and he immediately followed me back. It was as if this incredibly powerful part of myself had come online in a very dynamic way and was finally claiming it’s power and dominion and mastery and in effect manifesting instantly. This is some of the greatest work I have ever partaken of, and I have done an INSANE amount of work with a number of different facilitators over the years. Tanya, you are truly an absolute SUPERSTAR and what you are able to assist in facilitating with this work is universes beyond what I have ever experienced in working with anyone else!!! Thank you so much for everything you do. Bowing in reverence to your mastery, dedication, and devotion to this work and your willingness to answer your calling. You are incredible"
-We are going deep into the creation and regeneration of the body. What I learnt from my own journey of healing my body and rebirthing myself in that area of my life is that the body template is malleable. It is receptive and can change and morph and it responds to pure consciousness (what can be called enlightenment but that words feels a bit heavy with expectation and judgment). This infusion of consciousness allows an energy symbiosis to occur that births a different kind of body and a different kind of communion with the body. We are exploring the regeneration of the telemores, the activation of the gamma waves in a person's brain, heart brain coherence and so much more. And yes, we are detoxing and purging as we morph. Each step allowing more lightness and space and embodiment. Will you join us?
What you will receive:
-4 sessions in the next month, starting this Thursday (the 20th of June) and each session will be 3 hours long. -A 30 minute integration session each Tuesday -A private facebook group where you have the space to share and ask questions.
In those 3 hours, we will allow the cosmic humm of the universe to have its way with us, surrendering ourselves to its creational capacities, activating our vibrational vortex and inviting the maximum amount of transformation that you can allow at any given moment.
The work will invite you into alignment with YOU. Your own knowing, power, beauty and magnificence. It will be an activation of YOU on every level that will allow you to reinvent yourself beyond the vibrational signature that you are currently holding. You will step into your next becoming.
AND we will dive deeply into all the areas that are holding you back, where things are not in flow. Be that energetic, physical, emotional or anything else.
We will honor the power that you are, as well as the vulnerabilities of being human and all that that can entail. My desire and intention for this work: ⠀ It's time to move beyond the insurmountable challenges that keeps us stuck to live fully unleashed, fully expressed, fully delighting and reveling in this beautiful gift called LIFE. It is time to SHINE and we can't do that if we are struggling in a way that dims our light. I trust that you hear the call and join me on this journey. I know it allows for a quantum shift in what is possible for the body and our very human experience in the world.
Even though this is group work, each session will be tailor made to you and you will have the opportunity to tell me that which you desire before we commence our journey together.
Dates: 20th June, 27th June, 3rd July, 11th July Time: 8-11 pm EST (5-8 pm pacific. And if you are in Europe it's beautiful to receive this whilst you are sleeping as well as it's your most surrendered state allowing you to receive effortlessly)
Cost: $1100
By application only. (mail me if you desire this- [email protected])
If you are hearing the call, I look forwards to stepping into this cosmic dance with you.
Post group session feedback: Beautiful things have happened as a result of this work, or more accurately after even just one or two sessions. This is some of the feedback after Essence that I offered last summer:
'I saw vibrant geometric portals within a universal beehive. You could step through anyone and source something different. I jumped into one as had full choice! From that point I could change our DNA , destinies, Health etc so was very precise and meticulous and went through my entire Body tweaking and changing it all. It was A Major Tune-up for both. Then I worked with my children and grandchildren helping them Source their happiest potentials and gifts. It just kept growing out.The joy and thrill of being my own Leonardo for myself and others through the Gift of this Work. As your beloved and faithful witness this was the most amazing work ever! We were changing ourselves, our worlds and worlds within worlds. Yes it was a celebration at the end and I was impossibly beside myself with blissful joy ! Such a privilege to be with you now . I will write more. We just flew back home and are exhausted from lugging bags etc.Thank you beyond Measure! Came in for these opportunities to embody greatness and spread Light everywhere!'
'I'm in a teary time now, when I weep at the beauty and preciousness of each moment and whatever I'm experiencing in it. And within each moment, I am different from who I was in the last moment! I've never experienced such rapid shifts. In a way, it's like being on a white water rapids trip'
'This was indeed an amazing work and I treasure your heart so much. Thank you for everything and i got sooo much clarity and am continuing to unwind and process everything accordingly.'
'I noticed a sense of my heart being more open, feeling a more tender kind of love, like I had not felt before, like was “feeling” with more and a deeper part of my heart that I didn’t have access to before! Along with these changes, I have been feeling a sense of contentment and love for myself, a feeling that I have enough love inside me to make myself feel loved and happy, and I feel like I have access to these types of energies within myself that I had previously attributed to other people. I felt before like I needed others’ energy and attention to feel good, loved, content, safe. But now I can bring these energies up within myself! I can sense these good energies within myself now, I guess they were always a part of me but I didn’t feel I had access to them, and I relied on others to “unlock” them for me. To access this by myself feels so great, just miraculous!'
'Thank you for the healing energies you sent our family. Everybody felt light and happy.'
And poetry was written as an expression of the experience of the session as well! Eternal Recurrence 'If everything is a cycle. If your emptiness is a cycle. If the darkness is what you keep returning to. Then so is your joy. So is that love you keep opening up to. More and more , little by little. So is the natural current then that unceasingly brings you back to the wildness of your unrelenting beaconed heart.' -Ginger T. * I hope to meet you in this cosmic dance. With love and so much appreciation, Tanya